Feed your FAITH and your fears will starve .

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Good News

We went to see Dr. Mitchell, the cardiologist, today.  We spoke for quite a while with his Nurse Practitioner first.  Finally Dr. Mitchell came in.  The first thing he said was, "You are anemic, I can see it in your face." Oh, 'hi', good to see you too Dr. Mitchell.  :)

Dr. Mitchell had good things to say though.  He is not overly concerned about Trent's tachycardia (rapid heart rate) because there is nothing really that they can pin it too.  There are so many things going on that could all cause tachycardia.  He believes Trent's heart is healthy and that once he is healed his heart rate will return to Trent's normal.  He also said that Trent may have a little faster heart rate than most but that might be his 'normal'.  I am not sure that is the case because in all the treatments for the last two years, we have never noticed a fast heart rate.  But, it is certainly possible that after all the Trent has been through, especially losing a lung, that his heart would beat faster, permanently.

The dose of Metoprolol is going to stay the same for now.  We are anticipating weaning Trent off of it in the future, maybe six months or so.  While we were at the office, Trent's oxygen was only at .5 L/hr and although he had to stop and rest, it wasn't killing him to walk around.  He was tired by the time we got home and not feeling too great.  I think we need to work on the anemia and hopefully that will perk him up some.

Trent has really been trying to do everything he can to get better.  Yesterday he got on the stationary bike for 1/2 hour, twice.  He wasn't really pushing himself at all, just going through the motion, but I was very happy for that.  Each day he seems a little bit better.  He has moved himself downstairs now and sleeps in his own bed.  That happened a few days ago and although I was reluctant, I couldn't be happier.  Me, Trent, and nineteen pillows don't fit in a queen bed very easily.  Our king bed is so much better and we have both slept much more.  The last few days he has only had his breakthrough pain medicine once every 8-10 hours.  That is so much better than before!  His incision, while it is big and ugly, is healing beautifully.

Dr. Mitchell and his assistant were particularly impressed that he was doing so well after such a big surgery.  Thursday marks four weeks since the surgery.  The last month has been difficult but I think we are almost able to see that there might be an end to all of this ugliness.  We are anxious to hear exactly what the next step in the plan will be and get it going.


  1. Fabulous news! And team trent keeps rockin it. Anemia will certainly slow u down. How r they treating it? Hopefully he will feel better soon. Love you guys!

  2. Wow has it really been that long ago since the surgery? It does not seem that long ago. Go Trent. I think that is the first time I have put it that way. Again , my best to the family. ..................Mark

  3. This is great! I love your blog, I love the Father's Day book you made, I love your honesty ( I can relate to many many things especially about having tough, grumpy days of trying to hold things together and then trying better the next day). I love that Trent is getting better after his surgery. Thanks for posting and wish you and your family the best!
