Feed your FAITH and your fears will starve .

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Another Pretty Good Day

A couple of days ago Trent's cousin, Nicole, called.  She was just checking in and wanting to know if we needed anything like a care package or something.  She has friends in the Boston area and thought they could maybe help us out somehow.  Trent said he would really like a priesthood blessing.  So last night two men showed up at our hotel room, ready to use their priesthood for a complete stranger.  We had a nice little conversation and got to know each other just a little bit.  They administered to Trent in such a sweet manner.  Trent remarked that it was the most spiritual experience he had had for a while.  It is so comforting to know that the priesthood is the same no matter who or where you are.  It is truly the mouthpiece of the Lord and having that blessing brought so much peace.  It was so nice that Nicole thought to call and that the first thing Trent thought of was getting a blessing.  

Brian, Trent, and Jared
Trent had been feeling just a little queasy and was a bit nauseous this morning.  We tried to keep things pretty low key so he could rest as much as possible.  I think we are both just a bit jumpy about anything he experiences because we don't want ANYTHING to keep us from going home on Saturday.  So, he napped while I worked on my computer.  Brenda, the Home Health nurse stopped by and said not to be too concerned with Trent's symptoms.  His body has been through a lot and will take a while to fully recover.  All of his vitals are looking fine.  We found a scale in the exercise room in the hotel and Trent weighed himself.  He is down about six pounds from when he left the hospital.  I think most of that is the fluid that we are trying to get off him with the Lasix.  

He was finally able to shower today, for real.  I am sure that made him feel a lot better.  He was able to eat pretty well this evening too.   Today has been a little more iffy than yesterday but overall he did pretty well.

I was able to get in touch with our team at the Huntsman today.  They are in the process of getting all the records from all that has happened in Boston.  Dr. Gouw has already begun the process of finding the best chemo for Trent.  We are not 100% sure what it will be but Dr. D'aDamo and Dr. Gouw will figure that out shortly.  We are already on the schedule at the Infusion room for the 28th.  That is longer than I would have liked but Trent's body probably needs to wait that long.  We are praying for the exact chemo in the correct dose and delivery this time.  We REALLY need it!

Tomorrow we will meet with Dr. Sugarbaker and then we may be doing a little sight seeing with Jared's family. (Jared is the one on the right in the picture)  His wife, Nicki, called today to see what they could do for us and I thought it might be fun to see a little more of Boston than the hospital and the airport.  Hopefully Trent won't be too worn out after seeing Dr. Sugarbaker.

I did a bad thing today.  I read some of my earlier posts.  I never do that.  It is just way too dramatic to be MY life.  I really can't believe this has all happened to us.  It still seems like something you just hear about but never really happens to you.  Maybe it's good that my brain still has not wrapped itself around all of this. Maybe that is how I can handle it.  Maybe someday it will all sink in.  It probably will, so I better reserve my spot at the funny farm!


  1. Someone always comes. What a wonderful thing for Nicole to ask her friends to see to your needs. You are never alone. I find that amazing and so humbling. Our needs are always met by someone else and that is so totally how the Lord blesses us. Thanksgiving goes out to all the people on this earth who bless the lives of others. I want to be one of them.
