Feed your FAITH and your fears will starve .

Friday, May 4, 2012

And....It's Gone

We started round 28 on Wednesday.  Trent was feeling and looking great, although a little tired.  He hasn't been sleeping too well lately.  I think it is nerves.  We have never had this long to look forward to a surgery before.  All the previous surgeries were sprung on us in an emergency sort of way.  At least we didn't have too much time to worry about those.

Right after we got settled in for infusion, Mary Ann, a volunteer, came around with her snack cart.  She has taken a special liking to us, and us to her.  She informed us that she has a arranged for a special Mass to be held for Trent at St. Anne's church in Pennsylvania on May 31, 7:00 am our time.  It is a healing Mass and they will be praying specifically for Trent during his surgery.  How sweet!  She is the nicest lady and we just love her!  We are humbled by her faith and love.

During infusion Trent slept while I worked.  Suddenly a nurse came running by me grabbing supplies out of a nearby drawer.  Within thirty seconds there were about 25 doctors and nurses running by.  An infusion patient had gone in cardiac arrest right behind us.  Trent slept peacefully through it all while I tried my best to not turn around to look.  I did peek once and saw a nurse on the patient's bed doing chest compressions.  Ugh.  I could hear her husband speaking loudly but didn't try to understand what he said.  It was a scene I wish I had never witnessed.  After that my eyes, through tears, were glued to Trent's chest, making sure he was breathing and everything was normal.  The volunteers and nurses were exceptional, making sure that all the other patients were fine and calm.  I noticed, Cyd, one of our favorite nurses, taking over many patients and chatting away with everyone like nothing was going on.  Brent, a favorite volunteer of ours, was especially attentive while keeping an eye on the situation.  At one point I mouthed to him, "Is is bad?"  He quietly nodded.  Ugh, again.  Thankfully, they were able to get a rhythm and the patient was transferred to the U, I think.  I told Cyd how cool I thought she was.  She seamlessly took over several patients while their nurses attended the patient in distress.  I am sure many other nurses did the same thing in other pods and I was so impressed how the situation was handled.  It shook me up a little bit, realizing how vulnerable each patient was to the poison being pumped into their bodies.

At the end of Trent's infusion, he mentioned that was his last one before surgery.  Soon all the nurses and CNA's were gathered around to sing the 'Congratulations' song to him.  He had it sung to him once before, last year before the sternotomy, with only three nurses because it was late at night.  This time he had a full chorus!  They sing the song to the tune of "Happy Birthday".  It goes like this, "Congratulations to you, your chemotherapy is through, we wish you good health, and happiness too!"  I have heard it sung several times before to other patients and I always feel a twinge of jealousy, but mostly relief and happiness. It was especially sweet to see all these nurse who have been helping us for the past two years sing to Trent.  Unfortunately, he'll be back...in a few months.  

After they finished singing Trent said, "Well here's you all of your unemployment in about seven months when they find a cure for cancer!"  Oh how sweet that would be!  

We are now two days in to round 28 and Trent is feeling it.  I knew the grrrrreatness wouldn't last, but it will be back!  We are going to pamper Trent for the next few days and get him through the pain of this round, then hopefully he will have about three weeks of feeling pretty good before surgery.  Then we will be on to the next can of worms...minus cancer! -and a lung. :)


  1. Holly I read your posts and just wish I could give you a hug! You truly are a special lady. Thank you for sharing such a personal story with all of us! We continue to pray for you and your sweet family


  3. This is Courtney I used to work with Trent at Schreiber Foods I was wondering if u guys still live in Brigham cause I would love to come visit him again if I could.

    1. Yes we do. I am sure Trent would love to see you!
