Feed your FAITH and your fears will starve .

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mallory Moments

This little girl is the sweetest little girl there is.  On Monday night during FHE we drew hearts and then filled them with all the things in our lives that we loved.  Of course the first thing she drew was a picture of Trent.  She told me that they had been given an assignment in school to write about what they would do if they could go into the past.  The other kids were writing things like, "Go visit the dinosaurs".  She said she would make it so her Daddy never got cancer.  Instead of having Trent bump his hip on the stairs she would put herself there instead so she could bump her back and just get a bruise.  (The whole cancer thing started after Trent bumped his hip while playing Nerf Wars with the boys in December of 2009.)  I started bawling and told her how sweet she was.  Then last night as I was tucking her into bed she started crying and said that she never imagined her life would be this way.  (She might have heard me say that 1000 or so times.)  She was sad because she always has to have friends over now to play, where before she never did because Trent would play dolls and Barbies with her.  Oh my, that started the tears again.  She is really missing her Daddy and I feel so bad for her!  She is his little princess and he treated her like she hung the moon.  How I wish I could take this pain from her but all I can do is assure her that Daddy loves her, watches over her, and misses her like crazy.  Of course she is still praying for the day that she will see Trent again to be really soon!

1 comment:

  1. Quick story about Mallory: at the luncheon right after Trent's funeral, Mallory asked Travis if he would swing her around in circles for fun and Travis was happy to oblige. Until... about the fourth or fifth time when he was getting a little sick to his stomach from all the twirling. Mallory asked again if he'd do it and he told her to come back in a few minutes. She was a little eager, though, and kept persisting while Travis kept trying to hold her off. Finally, she got very serious and with masterfully executed puppy-dog eyes she said, "My Daddy would want you to do it!"

    I couldn't help but laugh out loud. I thought, "Well-played, Mallory. Well played".

    She got another couple of twirls out of it. Funny, clever, sweet little girl.
