Feed your FAITH and your fears will starve .

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pathology Report

We got a call from Dr. Karwande's nurse today.  The pathology is back on the tumors resected last week from Trent's lung.  All three tumors were no longer viable which means that the chemotherapy did it's job.  All the tumors were necrotic tissue so there is definitivelyl no more cancer in Trent's lungs.  We are possibly going to have a PET scan in the next couple of weeks instead of waiting until April.  Then we will know for sure if there is any cancer anywhere else.  We don't have any reason to believe there is any more cancer but the scan will confirm this.  We are kind of holding off on the big celebration and victory dance until the scans are done. 

Trent has been feeling kinda yucky the past few days.  He was doing really good at the first of the week but has had a few bad days.  Hopefully that is short-lived and he gets feeling better soon. 


  1. Wow, what a miracle! Good luck with the scan. You have been amazing through all of this, (at least as far as I can tell from your blog). You have no idea how you have influenced me by your faith and positive attitude over the past year. Thank you, love you, emily

  2. oh my gosh. that's so good. hope he feels better soon..... it's about time he gets to do that!!!

  3. I can't wait for the victory dance.. This will be a celebration like no other!
